Servicing Australia and New Zealand

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Our Work

Traffic Management on the Monash Freeway

project scope

Scope of Project

Upon the completion of the $1.4 billion dollar upgrade of the Monash Freeway, VicRoads took over responsibility of the maintenance works between Warrigal Rd and the South Gippsland Freeway Interchange.

The Monash Freeway carries 110 cars per minute, travelling at 100 kph, in each direction during the off peak morning times.

Effective traffic management was extremely important in providing a safe work environment and in minimising delays during works.



As part of the information gathering process, it was discovered that new emergency lanes next to the centre median strip are too narrow to park a work truck safely. This meant that any work site was going to have extra risks whilst ensuring that traffic delays were minimised.

SuperSealing developed a detailed Traffic Management Plan and SWMS in order for all works to be carried out safely and efficiently.

High traffic speed and volumes meant that major traffic control devices were required to ensure safety including VMS Boards, VSLS’s, Crash Attenuators as well as advanced signage and lane closure.

A 10 page report with detailed TMP’s was developed detailing the signage, procedure of works and installation and pack up times.

resource allocation

Allocation of Resources

  • Prior to each work event a Supervisor went to the site to map out sign locations and conduct a risk assessment
  • Crews of 6 or more controllers were organised and a Toolbox meeting scheduled for the morning of the works
  • VMS Boards and trailer mounted Variable Speed Signs were delivered and setup as per the TMP
  • Crash Attenuators were used for all work activities, protecting crews for the setup, the completion of works and the dismantling of the site
  • All works were conducted in accordance with our safety plan and site specific SWMS
  • At the end of each day another toolbox meeting was carried out to debrief and to look at ongoing opportunities for improvement and training.


SuperSealing developed a detailed plan encompassing all the possible risks.  Through this thorough planning and asset allocation process, SuperSealing was able to successfully complete over 40 different setups in the first 6 months.  This was extremely successful with all works completed incident free and on time.


New Zealand Location

Project Type