Servicing Australia and New Zealand

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Our Work

Maintain, Protect & Transform


Curious about some of our projects? Over the years, we’ve worked hard transforming major roads, shopping centres, cities, and responding to climate challenges. We’d love to share our stories with you.

Key Takeaways

The Bathurst Race Track had a problem with cracking in the surface, which required sealing to prevent further pavement failures and pot holes. The main concern was that race cars using the track with extra grip would create a safety issue with road failures.

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Crack Sealing

The Bathurst Race Track

Bathurst - New South Wales

Key Takeaways

The City of Unley is a council just south of the Adelaide CBD in South Australia. The council has a population of approximately 39,000 people and 469 roads under the council jurisdiction with varying years left on there design life and in varying states of repair.

The council had a strict budget and wanted to know how best to utilise the maintenance funds available. They were looking for a best practise to maintain their road assets and how best to budget for maintenance works in the years to come. Simply put, the City of Unley was looking to get the best value for their dollar.

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Crack SealingRoad Surfacing

City of Unley - South Australia

Adelaide - South Australia

Key Takeaways

The City of Salisbury is responsible for the maintenance of over 1,000 kilometres of roads in South Australia. The council is committed to providing its residents with safe and well-maintained roads. However, the council was facing a challenge. The roads were deteriorating at an increasing rate with cracking, stripping and potholes.


Additionally, the Council were trying to address the extreme heat it experienced and its impact to its residents. They had reports detailing that the Urban Heat Island effect was having a measurable impact on its Council area and that the dark colour of asphalt roads absorb heat, contributing to the urban heat island effect.

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CoolRoads in SA

Key Takeaways

The project involved a new reseal required within 2 months, with approximately 25,000 lineal metres of cracking evident throughout sections to be resurfaced over 50km of highway in Regional NSW. Previous client experience showed that existing cracking would reflect through the new chip seal works, undermining the effectiveness and reducing the longevity of new works.

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Crack Sealing

Crack Sealing prior to Spray Sealing - New South Wales

Walcha - New South Wales

Key Takeaways

In 2022, SuperSealing were contracted by Main Roads to crack seal a section of highway in Regional Queensland. The highway was in need of a new reseal, but there was significant cracking evident throughout the sections to be resurfaced. Previous experience had shown that existing cracking would reflect through the new surface, undermining the effectiveness and reducing the longevity of the new works.

The soils in the area were also problematic. The black soil was producing sections of cracking that were 15-50mm wide and seemingly bottomless. Rain had washed away sections of the soil, resulting in large cracks. These posed a safety hazard, particularly for motorbikes, and threatened to impede commerce as trucks and vehicles had restricted access on the affected road area.

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Crack Sealing

Crack Sealing in Far North Queensland

Burdekin - Regional Queensland

Key Takeaways

The project involved crack sealing on the Princes Highway in NSW to prevent further deterioration and reflective cracking in the new surfacing works. The client had scheduled resealing works of both asphalt and spray seal within months, and SuperSealing was chosen due to their expertise in providing effective crack sealing solutions.

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Crack SealingTraffic Management

Crack Sealing the Princes Hwy

Key Takeaways

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the state’s highways and roads. In early 2023, Caltrans was faced with a problem on a number of sections of its arterial roads throughout the state.   The longitudinal concrete joints in the pavement needed sealing, due to water ingress into the subgrade and causing damage.  Additionally, the Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavements require sealing for two other sources of pavement distress: incompressible materials spanning concrete joints, and de-icing materials that are a sources of accelerated pavement aging.

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Crack Sealing

DOT Concrete Joint Sealing


Key Takeaways

Following the major earthquake on 22nd February 2011, Christchurch was in a State of Emergency, with urgent works required throughout the city. SuperSealing were proven performers after successfully completing 2 work programs for the City.

SuperSealing’s task was to help prevent road and pathway erosion that had suffered extensive wash away damage, by providing crack sealing services prior to the imminent wet season.

Safety of work was a major concern, so SuperSealing was also required to carry out Traffic Management for their own work, and also traffic management for a number of other contractors including drain cleaners and other infrastructure contractors.

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Crack Sealing

Earthquake Response - Christchurch

New Zealand Christchurch

Key Takeaways

Fonterra the world’s largest exporter of dairy products, were experiencing ongoing failures with their asphalt driveways within one of their factories in New Zealand.

The failures were identified as being a result of chemicals used in washing their tankers which caused a negative chemical reaction.

Fonterra put out a tender to progressively change the pavement from asphalt to concrete whilst maintaining the current asphalt surface with crack sealing.

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Crack SealingTraffic Management

Factory Pavement Repairs & Replacement - New Zealand

New Zealand

Key Takeaways

The inner city council has a road network of over 600 kilometres. The road network was deteriorating due to ageing and oxidation of bitumen, resulting in cracks, potholes, delamination and failed pavement. The road maintenance budget was limited and the traditional asphalt resurfacing was costly and environmentally unfriendly.


The Council decided to look for a more efficient and sustainable way to preserve and improve the road network, without compromising on quality and safety. They faced resistance from some stakeholders who were used to the conventional asphalt resurfacing methods and were reluctant to change.

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How this Adelaide Council Improved Their Road Network with Guardtop Road Resurfacing